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导语:师父为什么教孙悟空七十二变?-《西游记》双语版:第6章 七十二变

Journey to the West 6: Seventy-two Changes



第六章 七十二变

The Master was impressed by Sun WukongHow


Sun Wukong went up and told the Master that he was pretty sure he had succeeded in achieving immortality.


The Master laughed and said, &39;s walking through a supernatural way. What are these three shocks?They are thunderbolt, fire and blow.The first one is a thunderbolt that visits you after five hundred years. It is not a natural thunderbolt. It comes from the depth of the universe, and unless you can avoid it in advance, it will burn up your bones and cause you to explode.And the other two?The second shock will be the fire, and the last one will be the death wind. Again, they are not natural fire and wind, but they come from your body. They will burn your soul and tear you into pieces.They all kill, and no one can escape unless one knows the way. If you succeed and avoided them, you could live forever, otherwise you will die.Master, please save me!Very well. There are two sets of supernatural skills that you can learn to counter the effects of the three shocks. One is a set of skills with thirty-six changes, and the other with seventy-two. Which one would you like to learn?I prefer more to less, so please let me learn the set of seventy-two.Lucky monkey! Learned this skill, you can be a soldier in the future, even send messages or somewhat, you don



1. immune 免疫

2. sickness 疾病

3. aging 衰老

4. instruction 指示,教导

5. sure 肯定

6. longevity 长寿

7. supernatural 超自然的

8. thunderbolt 雷电,霹雳

9. avoid 避免

10. explode 爆炸

11. tear 撕碎,撕裂;眼泪

12. befit 适合于,对…适当

13. somersault flight 筋斗云

14. soldier 士兵

15. living 生计,生活


Retold by Melody Yan

Translated by Melody Yan

Pictures from film《大闹天宫》and cartoon 《西游记》

