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所谓的“习得”式学习方法,其实,就是我们平常接触英语时所做的那种“哦,原来人家是这么说的,我知道了,我以后也照样这么说”的心理反应。这就是“习得”英语(语言)产生的内心语言反应。当然,我们最好能“用”英语做这样的“反应”,即:Okay.I got you.I know how to say it now.I will say it the same way next time.


记住,平时“习得”英语时一定要多用这句英语:Okay.I got you.I know how to say it now.I will say it the same way next time.

在下面的英语语言环境中,你“习得”了哪些“找补找多了”的英语表达,有哪些Okay.I got it的“习得”反应:


1. A cashier gave me extra change, should I return it?

Here's how it went. Mom gave me $100 to go buy food from her grocery list. I bought some food at a Costco wholesales today and gave the cashier my $100.

2.A cashier gives you too much money back in change. What do you do?

I bought food at a restaurant and the cashier gave me an extra $10 in change. I noticed as I was walking out and getting ready to put the change in my wallet. I went back in and just said discreetly, "You gave me too much change" and handed it back to her.


二、“找补找多了”的英语“习得”式学习:Okay.I got you:

1.Okay.I got you.I know how to say it (找补找多了)now.I will say it the same way next time.

2.I have many ways to say 找补找多了 in English

For example(难道你只会“学”英语,连这些简单的学过的高中英语都不会不能“用”?),

2a. I will say:You gave me extra change.

2b.I will say:A cashier gives me too much money back in change.

2c. I will say:The cashier gave me an extra $10 in change.

2d. I will say:You gave me too much change.


Give you extra change什么意思?


Well, To give you extra change means Give you too much money back in change,Give you gave an extra $10 in change, or You gave me too much change.


