写经验 领红包
 > 健康


导语:开学第一课 - focus on you

01. forward plan

please must know what you&39;ll be going.


02. eat healthy

make sure you start the day with a healthy breakfast, maybe a banana, or some healthy cereal.


03. say hello to anyone you met and ask them how their summer went.


04. focus on you

sometimes it can seem like all your mates are starting the term with fancy new phones and devices, or telling you all about an amazing holiday they had.

but remember, sometimes people can just be showing off, focus on being your best and try not to get hung on what has got.


05. ask for help

don&39;t find your way round or you&39;t worry, in no time you will find your way.

school life has ups-and-downs, and if something&39;t keep it to yourself !


06. be yourself !

but, the most important thing is … to be yourself !

everyone in your class will be experiencing changes, whatever they&39;ll get to do this year !

and do it !

- end -
