写经验 领红包
 > 时尚


导语:分不清 There is 和 There are?几句口诀教你解决问题

Hello! 又见面啦!

今天要分享的是“There be 句型”

认识“There be句型”

“There be”表示某个地方存在某物或某人

“There be ”分为两个固定搭配:

① There is + 单数

② There are + 复数

使用“There is”和“There are”

① There is +可数名词单数

例子: There is a bag on the desk.

(a bag :“一个背包”可数名词单数)

② There is +不可数名词

例子: There is some water in the bottle.

(some water:“一些水” 不可数名词)

③ There are + 可数名词复数

例子: There are two students in the room.

(two students: “两名学生”可数名词复数)


① There is a pen and many pencils on the desk.

② There are many pencils and a pen on the desk.

标红的单词只是互换了位置,但第一句使用了“There is”,而第二句却使用了“There are”这是为什么呢?

“There be 句型”是“近视眼”,遵循“就近原则”

① 靠近它的是单数,用“There is”

② 靠近他的是复数,用“There are”



① 第一步: 先写出“There be句型”的分类

⑴ There is +单数

⑵ There are +复数

着重标出“There be”遵循“就近原则”

② 第二步,划出关键词再答题

⑴ is (关键词: a piano)

⑵ are (关键词:some flowers)

⑶ is(关键词: some tea)

⑷ are (关键词: some buildings)

⑸ is (关键词: some meat)

“There be 句型的否定形式”

“There be句型”的“否定形式”只要在be 动词后面加“not”

① There is not (省略形式: There isn&39;t)

“There be 句型的疑问句形式”



⑴ There is a woman near the house.

① 第一变: 把“is”放到句首变为大写

② 第二变: 把“There”放到“is”后面变为小写

③ 第三变: 把句号“. ”变为问号“?”

Is there a woman near the house?

⑵ There are seven days in a week.

① 第一变: 把“are”放到句首变为大写

② 第二变: 把“There”放到“are”后面变为小写

③ 第三变: 把句号“. ”变为问号“?”

“There be 句型的总结”

⑴ There be 肯定形式: There is /are

⑵ There be 否定形式: There is not (isn&39;t)

⑶ There be 疑问句形式: Is/Are there...?



⑴ A (关键词:some milk 不可数名词)

⑵ C (关键词:many elephants 可数名词复数)

⑶ C (关键词: a map 可数名词单数)

⑷ C (关键词:many trees 可数名词复数)

⑸ A (关键词:a big garden 可数名词单数)


⑴ Is there a cat under the tree?

① 把“is”放到句首变为大写

② 把“there”放到“is”后面变为小写

③ 把“?”变成“ . ”

⑵ Are there two pens in my pencil case?

① 把“are”放到句首变为大写

② 把“there”放到“are”后面变为小写

③ 把“?”变成“ . ”

这就是我们今天分享的“There be 句型啦”,你学会了吗?


