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1.我跟他和不来。   I can“t get along well with him. I can”t get on well with him.   I am on hard terms with him.   2.她们不理我。   They ignored me.   They give me the cold shoulder.   They Don“t pay any attention to me.   3.她喜欢马屁精。   She likes brown noses.   She likes flatterers.   She likes ass kissers.(较低级的说法。)   4.你支持谁?   Which side are you on?   Who are you rooting for?   Which side do you support?   5.他们对我很凶。   They are very hard on me.   They treat me unkindly.   They are mean to me.(他们对我很刻薄。)   They are very strict.(他们很严厉。)  6.她视我为眼中钉。  She treats me like an enemy.  She acts like I”m an enemy.  She treats me as if I“m her enemy.  7.她欠我的人情。  She”s obligated to me.  She“s under obligation to me.  She owes me.  She has an obligation to me.  8.他们互相直呼其名。  They are on a first name basis.  They are on first name terms.  9.我想和大家和睦相处。  I want to get along with everyone.  I hope I will get along with everyone.

10.我瞧不起她。  I”despise her.  I look down upon her.  11.我不知道他在想什么。  I don“t know what He”s really thinking.  I“m not sure what he is thinking about.  I don”t really know what is on his mind.  12.我没有理由让人嫉妒。  I have no reason to be envied.  There is no reason to be jealous of me.  There is no reason to envy me.
