写经验 领红包





The fields are clothed with trees. 树木蔽野。

The ball was crammed with many people standing. 大厅里站满了人。

The camels were laden with bundles of silk.那些骆驼满载着一捆捆的丝。


The criticism remains unanswered. 该批评未受到反驳。

He came unasked. 他不请自来。

His reason is unbalanced. 他失去理性。

He was unwashed,uncombed,with his clothes half buttoned. 他蓬头垢面,衣衫不整。

Even when their country was occupied,the people remained unbowed. 甚至当国土被占领时,人民仍不屈服。

3、某些表示“决心,意向,趋势,必然性” 等意义的动词的过去分词用作形容词,与be连用构成系表结构,其句型大部分是“be+v-ed+to do sth.”

What I preach I am resolved to practise. 凡是我讲的事,我决心去实行。

He was quite decided in his answer. 在回答中,他十分坚定。

They were destined never to meet again. 命运注定他们永不再相逢。

He is doomed to fail. 他注定要失败。


She was annoyed at your saying that. 你说的那话让她不高兴。

He is discontented with his present job. 他对现在的工作不满意。

She was dismayed at the sad news. 这悲惨的消息使她惊慌。

He is seated in an armchair. 他坐在扶手椅上。

The valley was bathed in sunlight. 山谷为阳光所普照。

5、一些习惯用法如 be absorbed in, be addicted to, be affiliated with, be buried in, be bored with, be confronted with, be devoted to, be engaged in, be used to, be involved in 等,过去分词通常用作表语,与be连用构成系表结构

He was evidently not accustomed to that kind of thing. 显然,他不习惯 于那种事。

Children are given to asking questions. 孩子们喜欢提问题。

An income tax is graduated so that people who make more money pay a higher rate of taxes. 所得税分等累进,使赚钱较多者付较高的税率。

The soldiers looked spent after their long march. 长途行军之后战士们看上去都疲惫不堪。
