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avowal 英 /əˈvaʊəl/ 美 /əˈvaʊəl/ n. 声明,公开表示;公开宣布

【考法 1 】n.承认: a solemn and often public declaration of the truth or existence of something

【例】With jingoism rampant, the peace candidate felt compelled to make an avowal of his patriotism.在沙文主义肆虐的情况下,爱好和平的候选人被迫承认自己是个爱国主义者。

【近】affirmation, assertion, asseveration, avouchment, claim, declaration, insistence, profession


ruminate 英 /ˈruːmɪneɪt/ 美 /ˈruːmɪneɪt/ vt. 反刍;沉思;反复思考 vi. 沉思,反刍

【考法 1 】vt.沉思: to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly

【例】ruminated the reason past failures 沉思以往失败的原因

【近】cogitate, contemplate, deliberate, meditate, perpend, ponder, weigh

【反】ignore, neglect, overlook 忽视

【派】ruminative adj.沉思的ruminate

dart 英 /dɑːt/ 美 /dɑːrt/ v. 飞奔,猛冲;瞥,急扫(一眼);(为施药而)用飞镖射(动物)n. 飞镖;飞镖游戏;缝褶;猛冲,突进;(恐惧、愤怒等的)一阵

【考法 1】vi.突然移动: to move suddenly and rapidly

【例】The dog darted across the street 狗飞奔过马路。

【近】flicker, flitter, flutter

【考法 2】n.公开侮辱: an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another&39;s GPA父母对他们儿子的平均成绩非常焦虑。

【近】agitate, bother, discomfort, discompose, disquiet, distemper, distress, perturb, unsettle, upset

【反】calm, compose, quiet, soothe, tranquilize 平息抚慰
