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Actually, your parents don't love you



Love is a word that carries a lot of weight and significance in every human relationship. However, the love that a child receives from their parents is usually regarded as the purest and most genuine form of love, as it is expected to be unconditional and everlasting. Nonetheless, as shocking as it may sound, some individuals out there might have grown up in a household where their parents didn't really love them, at least not in the way that was expected. In this article, we'll analyze different reasons and examples to show why some parents might not love their children truly.

One of the most significant reasons why some parents might not love their children is their own inability to love themselves. Those who have experienced rejection, abandonment, or abuse during their childhood might struggle to love themselves and, consequently, find it hard to genuinely love their children. Instead, those individuals might project their feelings of unworthiness and self-hatred onto their children, which results in a lack of emotional connection and a toxic environment.

Another possible reason is that some parents view their children as property and not as individuals. In many cultures, especially in patriarchal societies, children are considered as the property of their parents, which means that their parents can do whatever they want to them, including neglect or abuse. In such cases, the parents' love for their children is often conditional, and it is based on the children's ability to fulfill their parents' expectations.

Moreover, some people decide to have children for the wrong reasons, such as societal pressure, to repair a troubled relationship, or to have someone to take care of them in their old age. As a result, they might not be emotionally ready or committed to being responsible and loving parents, leading to neglect and lack of affection towards their children.

Furthermore, some parents might not love their children, but only the image of their children. They might want their children to be perfect, successful, or to pursue a certain path in life, without taking into consideration their children's individuality or passions. In such a case, their love is not for their children, but for the idea of the perfect child that they have constructed in their minds.

In conclusion, the harsh truth is that some children have grown up with parents who did not love them genuinely. The reasons for this vary, from the parents' own emotional struggles to societal and cultural beliefs that view children as property. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge this reality and seek support and healing to overcome the emotional scars that result from it.

Keywords: love, parents, children.